Psychotherapy, Spiritual Guidance, and Integral Training
Learn, Heal, and Grow in Collaboration with Dr. Mark Forman
Learn, Heal, and Grow in Collaboration with Dr. Mark Forman
Dr. Forman is currently accepting a limited number of new clients into his practice. Dr. Forman provides individual adult psychotherapy online throughout California. Dr. Forman also provides Developmental Consulting and spiritual guidance for individual adults worldwide. He is the founder and lead trainer of the Certified Integral Psychotherapist (CIT) Global Training Program and actively teaches and supervises both therapists and coaches interested in the direct application of Integral Theory to therapy.
Dr. Forman is hosting free monthly online Satsangs addressing trauma and spirituality. More information can be found here. Combining 30 years of meditative training and experience with 25 years of clinical practice, Dr. Forman's newest initiative is to create online spaces and workshops that help those with early childhood trauma who also have a strong drive towards transcendent forms of spirituality. The initiative is undergirded by his recent book, The Monster's Journey: From Trauma to Connection, which offers a reimagining of Joseph Campbell's The Hero's Journey for those who have suffered childhood trauma.
Dr. Forman is currently accepting new students at this time. The Certified Integral Therapist (CIT) Global Online Training is the premier English language training in the field of Integral Psychotherapy. It covers all aspect's of Ken Wilber's Integral model as they directly apply to the practice of psychotherapy. It is appropriate for both seasoned therapists as well as graduate students, and can be taken as well by coaches and other healers who want to develop additional healing skill-sets. This one-on-one, self-paced, asynchronous program includes 10 direct face-to-face consultations with Dr. Forman via online video chat.
Mark Forman, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist with over 25 years experience working with individuals, couples, teens, and families and 30 years of meditation training and practice. His text – A Guide to Integral Psychotherapy Complexity, Integration, and Spirituality in Practice – is one of the seminal works in the field of Integral Psychotherapy.
Mark Forman, PhD
655 Irwin ST., SUite B, San Rafael, CA 94901, California 94115, United States
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